The Product Owner’s Second Team Successful product owners will see their stakeholders as a team, not merely a set of individuals.
Are Fixed-Price Projects Agile? Fixed-price projects may seem at odds with agile. But that doesn’t have to be the case.
Three Questions to Determine If an Organization Is Agile A lot of organizations claim to be agile. Here’s a quick way to see if they really are.
Handling Requests for Unnecessary Artifacts “Working software over comprehensive documentation.” You’ve certainly seen...
Reflections on the 10 Years Since the Agile Manifesto Ten years from now I hope we’ve stopped calling it agile. I hope we’ve stopped calling it anything …
The Role of Leaders on a Self-Organizing Team There is more to leading a self-organizing team than buying pizza and getting out of the way.
Reduce Manual Test Technical Debt The first priority of a team with technical debt is to stop the bleeding, stop things from getting worse.
Introducing An Agile Process to an Organization The transition from a plan-driven to an agile process affects not only the development team …